Max, the pirate, picks up old fence material
Sunday was a perfect day for a serious bush clean-up in the Mount Majura Nature Reserve behind The Fair in North Watson. Within 2 hours over 30 registered cleaners collected 10 bags of land-fill rubbish, 6 bags of recyclables, 7 car tires, a large amount of metal scrap too big for bags, a pile of building rubbish and hazardous barbed wire.

1953 Australian Penny with Queen Elizabeth II on ‘head’
Special findings were a 1953 Penny with the Queen Elizabeth heading and the bottom of a beer bottle dated from 1961. An old car dumped in a gully was far too big for volunteers and the coordinates will go to the Parks Service for later removal.
Old tins and broken glass were most frequently picked up however most items were rather old probably from those days when the area was used for car racing and cross country horse riding. Only a few recently dumped items were found, which is really good news.

The Tregurtha family return with their findings.
A big thank you to all participants for a job well done!
Some photos are at http://www.flickr.com/groups/1689704@N25/