Due to rain, the ant walk scheduled for Sunday, 24 February has been postponed to Sunday, 17 March, same time, same place; see details below.
Join ant specialist Ajay Narendra of the Australian National University for a glimpse of the fascinating world of one of the most dominant animals on the planet. Learn about the amazing Jack Jumpers and other ants that live on Mt Majura on a walk hosted by the Friends of Mt Majura.

Jack Jumper, Myrmecia pilosula. Photo Ajay Narendra
When: Sunday, 17th March, 4.00 – 5.30pm
Where: Meet at Helms Place off Rivett Street close to the intersection with Richard Street, Hackett; view this map for the meeting point.
Bring: Enclosed shoes and a magnifying glass if you have one; a gold coin donation to support the conservation work of FoMM would be much appreciated.
Children accompanied by adults are especially welcome; suitable for children over seven years.
Enquiries: ph 6248 8955 or email admin@majura.org
Download this poster for event promotion.
Ants play a leading role in the environment as predators and scavengers. Their highly social organization, effective communication and amazing navigation skills have been the object of research for generations. Mount Majura has a rich diversity of ants including several species of bull dog ants.

Ajay Narendra (right) and Sam Reid study visual guided behaviour of bulldog ants on the Mount Majura ridge.
Dr. Ajay Narendra is part of the research team studying navigation strategies in Jack Jumpers (Myrmecia croslandi) in Hackett. Find out about Jack Jumpers and other ants on Ajay’s website at http://antvisions.wordpress.com/

Studying Jack Jumpers in Hackett park.
Ajay and Ants in the media
Canberra Times
The Chronicle