Join in to restore degraded grassy woodland at the northwest slope of Mt Majura at the working party hosted by the Friends of Mount Majura and the Watson Woodlanders. We will be mulching young plantings behind The Fair and tackling herbaceous weeds.
When: Sunday, 17 March 2013 from 9am to 1pm; give as little or as much time as you want.
Where: National Tree Day planting site close to at the intersection Tay/Ian Nicol Streets, The Fair, North Watson; click this map to view the site; see below on how to get there.
Bring: Sun protection, enclosed shoes, long sleeves and pants.
Gloves and equipment will be provided.
Enquiries: email or phone 62477515.
Download this poster for promotion.
Weed control. At a recent monitoring of the planting site we found new rosettes of Patersons’s Curse. Treatment of this declared pest plant in this early stage is most efficient and reduces competition for native plants. We will be spot spraying the rosettes with selective herbicide that will not affect the grass.
Mulching. Rangers deposited shreddered material from fallen eucalypts which we will be placing around the young planted trees and shrubs. We will be adding branches of Cootamundra wattles, Hawthorn and Briar Rose that we cut last year. The mulch suppresses weed growth around the young plants which reduces competition and helps to keep the plant guards in place which reduces grazing damage.
How to get there. Access the National Tree Day 2012 planting site from the residential site The Fair (1) or from the nature park entrance off Antill Street (2) as shown on this map.
(1) Access from The Fair. Coming from the south along Antill St. enter the Fair at the round-about located at the intersection Antill and Aspinall Sts and follow the perimeter Tay Street to the intersection with Ian Nicol Street; you will see the planting site to your right. There is limited space for car parking along the perimeter street.
(2) Access nature park entrance Antill St. This is roughly, but not directly, across Antill St. from Carotel – the entrance is between Carotel and Solstice, but closer to Carotel. Once you have entered the nature park, head off towards the left (NOT up the hill!) until you get to the fence around The Fair residential development and follow the fence, away from Antill St. and a bit up the hill. It’s 5-10 minute walk. The planting site is behind (east of) The Fair, about midway along the back fence.