Weed Blitz (16.05.2010)

Come along for a serious weed massacre

When: Sunday, 16 May, from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon
Where: Meet at the Hackett reservoir off Rivett / French Streets (view this map for the meeting point).
What to bring and wear:
Enclosed footwear, preferably household gloves with long cuffs or garden gloves, a weeding tool such as trowel or a small mattock. Densely woven clothing is recommended to minimise the attachment of horehound burrs; please do not wear woollen clothing as you will look like a hedgehog after the weeding.
Tea and coffee will be provided
Enquiries: Ph 62477515 or Email admin@majura.org
this poster for distribution

Drain line southern paddock; view from east

Drain line southern paddock; view from east

Last year we made a big in-road on horehound and other weeds and opened passages between the National Tree Day 2009 planting site and the drain line that crosses the paddock in the south. We hope to clear the area of weeds over time by working from the edges of weed infested sites and broadcasting seeds of local ground cover plants. With this assistance and if rabbit numbers can be kept at the current low levels we should see over time the change of a badly degraded paddock into a beautiful grassy woodland that provides habitat for the furry and feathered friends.

The area will be featured at the World Environment Day 2010 celebration.

Many thanks
Waltraud Pix
FoMM co-ordinator

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