Weeding party and morning tea (19 October 2008)

When: Sunday, 19 October from 8.30am to noon
Meet at the old Ainslie tip site off Philip Av Kellaway St Nature Park entrance
Bring and wear:
Sun protection, water and full body covering clothing
All equipment will be provided
ph 6247 7515 or admin@majura.org

On National Tree Day in July we planted 380 local trees and shrubs at the old Ainslie tip site.
In August we spread 4 truck loads of wood chip mulch around the seedlings.
Beginning of September we gave the young plants a good drink.
You are now invited to help tackling the weeds that grow on the site.
Please come early for a cool start, an introduction and a cuppa.
Community planting at the old Ainslie tip site on National Tree Day, 27 July 2008 (Photograph: Laura Turnbull)

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