Weeds Working Party

Horehound @ Majura paddock DSCN1425

Horehound at Majura paddock. Removal of competitive weeds benefit local native plants.

Join FoMM’s weeds working party held on Sunday, 15 November and help remove Privet and other woody weeds growing in and around the drain close to the Hackett reservoir and horehound in the nearby Majura Paddock.

Come early for an introduction and give as much time as you want.

When: Sunday 15 November 2015, 9am to 12noon

Where: Meet at ParkCare notice board opposite of the water reservoir off Rivett Street and French Street intersection, view this map.

Bring and wear: Sun protection, body covering garden clothing and sturdy shoes.

You need no experience to attend this event; instructions and tools will be provided on site.

Inquiries: ph 6247 7515 or secretary@majura.org

Drainage line in November 2004, overgrown with Ivy, Honeysuckle, Privet and other woody weeds

Drainage line 14.11.2013 DSCN0199

… and many volunteer hours later in November 2013. The continuous supply of seeds from nearby gardens requires annual woody weed removal.


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