Welcome to the October 2015 edition of the FoMM newsletter. Members of the Hackett Community Association joined forces with FoMM for the September Working Party to successfully remove large Honeysuckle growth in the creek behind Mackenzie Street. Japanese Honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica is a declared Pest Plant in the ACT. This perennial vine has been frequently cultivated in Canberra’s gardens to cover up unsightly structures and fences. It escaped gardens and became a serious weed of gullies and drainage lines where it smothers and out-competes native vegetation. The party was guided and encouraged by new FoMM convenor Max Pouwer and recently retired convenor Walraud Pix. The end result was the removal of a pile of Honeysuckle growth measuring approximately 1.5m x 5m x 1.5m high. Removing Honeysuckle is very time consuming and residents can help by replacing any Honeysuckle in their gardens with non-invasive plants and making sure that any prunings of this plant are disposed of through recycling or waste disposal facilities.
Best regards,
Jo Lynch
FoMM Secretary
Working together to remove Honeysuckle – from left, FoMM coordinator Max, and volunteers Kate and John “Bluey”. (G. Haughey)
Bug Walk – Sunday 11 October, 10am – 12 noon
Join Ian Gordon a macro-photography enthusiast with a sharp eye and keen interest in tiny creatures. Try to decode camouflage and train your eyes to locate small creatures – orb weaving spiders, lady bugs, parasitic wasps, caterpillars, plant hoppers…… What will you spot? It is wonderful to be aware of the diverse range of creatures, large and small which live in a healthy grassy box woodland. Ian’s interest stems from Macro photography. When he finds an unusual bug he goes online to identify and research it. He has recently spotted a lot of small orb weaving spiders, a few lady beetles and small parasitic wasps, and even a couple of caterpillars and a plant hopper. Any age welcome – it really boils down to interest in looking for and finding miniature and often disguised and camouflaged arthropods.
Where: Majura Paddock. Exact meeting point to be given to registered participants.
Numbers limited, bookings essential: to 6248 8955 or this email
Bring and wear: sun protection and covered shoes. Magnifying glasses/hand lenses, not necessary but really depends on the individual’s eye sight.
Click here for more information
A tiny white camouflaged moth (I. Gordon)
Rare Plant Survey – Sunday 18 October, 2-4pm
Mount Majura is home to a number of rare and endangered plant species. What are they and where are they? Join experts to find out and learn how to register them on Canberra Nature Map. Information from surveying the presence and abundance of rare species will guide the management of the reserve.
Where: Meet at the nature reserve entrance Mackenzie St close to Grayson St, Hackett
Bring: Sun protection, sturdy shoes, drinking water and a camera or iPhone. Please bring your Rare Plant Survey kit if you have one from previous surveys.
Inquiries: Reply to this email
Click here for more information
Rosy Hyacinth Orchid, Dipodium roseum (S. Bittinger)
Wildflower Walk – Sunday 25 October, 2-4pm
Join local plant ecologist Michael Doherty for a wildflower ramble in the nature reserve behind the Watson Fair and enjoy a spring Floriade on the mountain. This delightful walk will highlight different species found in grassland, woodland and open forest. Please bring
Where: Meet close to the nature reserve entrance Tay St / Ian Nicol St at The Fair, North Watson.
Inquiries: Ph. 6248 8955 or this email
Bring and Wear: good walking shoes, water, sun protection, and a hand lens/magnifying glass if you have one. A new flora list is available for a donation
Click here for more information
Hoary Sunrays (Leucochrysum albicans) flowering on Mount Majura (W. Pix).
Sunday Nature Walk – Sunday 1 November, 9 – 11am
Discover how the plants of Mt Majura welcome the springtime with botanist and Friend of Mt Majura, Isobel Crawford. Meet 9:00am at parking area, Helms Place, Hackett near corner of Richards and Rivett Streets. Joint activity with National Parks Association of the ACT.
Inquiries: Contact Graham on this email. |