Join the Friends of Mount Majura and the Watson Woodlanders at the National Tree Day 2012 planting area for a working party aimed to give the young plants a head start in spring. We will be controlling weeds around the seedlings using chemical and manual methods and spread mulch delivered by the Parks and Conservation Service. And we will be talking about future plans for the National Tree Day 2012 area during the afternoon tea break at around 2.30pm.
When: Sunday 19 August 2012 from 1pm to 4pm; come for an hour or the whole time.
Where: Meet at the National Tree Day 2012 planting site behind (east of) The Fair residential site in North Watson; access via the Antill Street nature park entrance opposite Carotel or through The Fair; view this map for access to the National Tree Day 2012 planting area.
Bring and wear: Sun protection, sturdy shoes, garden clothing with long sleeves and pants.
All tools and equipment and will be provided.
Enquiries: phone 6247 7515
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Share in National Tree Day 2012 on Mt Majura: click here for a report and view photos taken at the event here