Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) April 2010 newsletter (pdf version)
- Seed Collection Redleg Grass – Saturday 3 April
- Bird Walk – Saturday 17 April
- Woody Weed Hunt – Sunday 18 April
- Native plants sale – Saturday 10 April
- GPS training – Wednesday 14 April
Dear Friends
The impertinence of native grasses is legendary – they time seed set with Australian holidays when everyone is away! Kangaroo grass does it around Christmas, Redleg and Windmill Grass around Easter. Recent rain has triggered the flower and seed set of the latter two species and I wonder whether someone of you would be around to help collecting seeds. Join in next Saturday to collect Redleg Grass seeds (for details see below), or please contact me for a time that suits you to collect seeds of Windmill Grass and more Redleg. The seeds will be used for direct seeding at various re-vegetation sites.
The Mount Ainslie Weeders will hold a working party on the coming Easter Sunday, 4 April from 9.00am onwards to remove herbaceous weeds at the old Ainslie tip. The target weeds are Paterson’s Curse, thistles and the mustard weeds growing around the trees and shrubs planted at National Tree Day 2008. If you go for a walk have a look at the planted trees there – they are magnificent.
FoMM jointly with the Watson Woodland mob will conduct another woody weed party on Sunday 18 April at the northwest slope of Mt Majura. Last time we’ve nearly finished cleaning the area of Sweet Briars and Hawthorns and with the help of some volunteers we should be able to knock the remaining weeds over.
Take the opportunity and secure a place to learn about the local fauna or to acquire a new skill at our guided bird walk on Saturday 17 April and a basic GPS training on Wednesday 14 April. Attention keen gardeners: Saturday 10 April is your second chance to get hold of native seedlings. For further information on these events see below or visit (FoMM events).
Good luck with your Easter egg hunt.
P 62477515
Seed Collection Redleg Grass – Saturday 3 April
When: Saturday 3 March 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Where: Small public park east of the Hackett oval between Madigan and Maitland St, car parking at Holtze Close close to Madigan St / Phillip Ave intersection
Bring: secateurs or scissors
Enquiries: P 62477515 or E
Most native grasses growing in the Mt Majura nature park have a tufted or tussocky growth. Redleg Grass or Redgrass (Bothriochloa macra) however is one of the few native grass species with a spreading growth habit. Even under grazing pressure this perennial grass can persist and form a dense ground layer. These attributes make Redleg Grass a desirable species for revegetation projects where bare ground and weed competition cause problems. Redleg Grass is a suitable species for a native, less water consuming and low fertilizer lawn. The species is often found along road sides, on public land and the nature strips of front lawns. The tips of the green leaves are maroon coloured;, a distinctively red stem carries a few narrow up to 12cm long seed-heads that are tightly hold together.
Visit to view a map of the seed collection venue and a photo of a Redleg Grass lawn in Hackett
Bird Walk – Saturday 17 April
Join ornithologist Terry Munro of the Canberra Ornithologists Group for a morning walk to observe and hear some of the many birds that call Mt Majura home.
When: Saturday, 17 April 2010, 8.30am
Where: Meet at the Antill Street Mt Majura Nature Park entrance opposite Canberra Carotel
Bring: sun protection, good shoes and binoculars if you have them.
Limited places! Booking is essential.
For booking and enquiries: please phone 6247 7515 or e-mail
Please bring a gold coin donation for pocket guide and a copy of a bird species list of Mount Majura. You can also download a copy of the list from the Species lists page of the FoMM website at
Woody Weed Hunt – Sunday 18 April
When: Sunday, 18 April 2010, from 9.00am to 1.00pm
Where: Meet at the nature park entrance off Antill Street opposite Carotel, North Watson.
Bring and wear: Sun protection, appropriate shoes and body-covering garden (or old) clothing.
What: This will be a search and destroy (cut-and-daub) exercise to remove briar rose and hawthorn from the nature reserve.
Equipment, refreshments and information on the environmental weeds will be provided.
Enquiries: phone 6247 7515, e-mail to
Get involved in our last woody weed hunt for this season jointly held with the Watson Woodland Working Group. Our target weeds will be again Sweet Briars and Hawthorns. As usual we will be working in small groups or pairs. Novice weeders please come early for an induction.
Native plants sale – Saturday 10 April
The Growing Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens will hold their autumn plant sale
When: Saturday 10 April 2010, 8.30am to 11.00am
Where: Australian National Botanic Gardens, in the small car park behind the Crosbie Morrison Centre.
Enquiries: Visitors Information Centre 6250 9540 or Friends’ Office 6250 9548
Plants are $3 and $5 each and a plant list is available on the Friends’ website at
Be early for the best selection and bring a bag or box for your purchases. Proceeds will help the Friends to help the Gardens.
GPS training – Wednesday 14 April
Molonglo Catchment Group and Parks, Conservation and Lands are running a basic GPS training session.
When: Wednesday, 14 April, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Where: Stromlo Depot, 500 Cotter Road, Weston Creek
Please RSVP by 10 April to Sally P: 6205 7384, E: or Andy P: 6205 2913, E:
You will learn how to:
• Mark a waypoint – this could be a rabbit warren, patch of serrated tussock etc. Basically anything you want to be able to find at a later date.
• Find a waypoint/delete a waypoint – this feature allows you to find your way back to a location you have marked previously.
• Finding a location- Use the GPS to find a location using a grid reference.
• Make a track, mark an area.
• Display information on a particular waypoint.