Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter April 2012

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter April 2012 (pdf)

  • Report sightings of Swift Parrots
  • Fungi Walk – Saturday 14 April
  • April working party – Sunday 15 April
  • Other news

Dear Friends

It is the time of the year to watch out for highly endangered Swift Parrots. The parrots have been observed in a number of years from end of March to begin of May mainly around the Hackett reservoir and the Majura paddock. They fed on nectar of Bundy, Eucalyptus goniocalyx which is profusely flowering right now. If you see Swift Parrots please contact FoMM at or 6247 7515. We would be interested in the date of observation, the time of the day, the locality and the number of birds. Please click on Swift Parrot for more information including photographs and a profile of the species.

Fungi Walk, Saturday 14 April. Join expert Heino Lepp for a “fun-guy” stroll on Mount Majura and learn about the fascinating biology and ecological importance of a group of organisms that are known for their secret lifestyle for most of their life-cycle, that thrive on dead matter and that are held in high regard by human connoisseurs.
Saturday 14 April 2pm
Helms Place off Rivett Street, Hackett
Bring & wear:
Bring a camera and a magnifying lens if you have one and wear sturdy shoes and sun protection. A gold coin donation to support FoMM conservation work would be appreciated.
Click here for more information including a map of the meeting point.

April Working Party, Sunday 15 April. At our monthly working party jointly hosted with the Mt Ainslie Weeders we will be tackling woody weeds in an area below the saddle between Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie which we call the “Common”. We will be using herbicide to cut-&-daub and frill. If you don’t want to use herbicide you can pull and bag abundant Fleabane or collect litter in the vicinity of the nature park entrance. Novice Weeders are encouraged to be early for an induction on target weeds and on the save handling of tools and herbicide.
Sunday, 15 April 2012 from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, come for an hour or the whole time.
Meet at the nature park entrance Kellaway Street / Phillip Avenue.
Bring & wear:
Sun protection, sturdy boots, and body covering garden clothing.
, information on woody weeds and refreshments will be provided.
Enquires and further information:
click on Working Party.

Other news.
Friends of Mt Majura together with the Mt Ainslie Weeders and the Red Hill Regenerators wrote to the Chief Minister to request a meeting on the proposed Centenary Trail. Our concern is that the proposed construction of new trails in pristine areas and large scale events will severely compromise conservation values of the reserves. Click here to view information and submissions of the parkCare groups.

Volunteers completed the mapping of rabbit warrens on Mt Ainslie and Mt Majura and control work by Parks and Conservation Service contractors is well under-way.

See you on the mountain.
Warm regards,
1 April 2012

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