Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) Newsletter February 2014

Welcome to the February edition of the FoMM newsletter! I am delighted to be bringing you this newsletter as the new FoMM Secretary and to announce the launch of the new look FoMM website and newsletter format! Thanks to Lance Williamson from Gaffer Designs who volunteered his time to do this major overhall. The website still needs some work on the content, so please let me know if you can help out.
And don’t forget to ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and share FoMM news and events with your friends! Go to
Happy reading!
Jo Lynch
FoMM Secretary

FoMM activities:

Working Bee – Sunday 16 February, 9am – 1pm
Wipe out woody weeds in the grassy woodlands and creek line below the Mt Majura saddle, enjoy the diversity of native trees, shrubs and groundcover plants and learn about some of the rare species that occur in the area. Join us any time for an hour or longer.
Where: Meet at the nature park display along the Blue Metal Road, a five-minute’ walk from the park entrance at Mackenzie Street, close to Grayson Street intersection, Hackett.
What to bring: Bring sun protection, enclosed shoes, body-covering clothing. We’ll provide tools and morning tea.
Click here for more information

Volunteers taking a well earned rest. Control of woody weeds is fun, satisfying and achievable.

Mount Majura Bush Cleanup – Sunday 2 March, 10am – 12pm
Help us clean up the bush at The Fair for Clean Up Australia Day!
Where: The intersection of Tay St and Ian Nicol St, North Watson.
What to bring: Bring your friends and family, sun protection, drinking water and wear enclosed shoes, long sleeves and pants; we’ll provide the gloves and rubbish collection bags.
Register at the nature park access.
Click here for more information.

Ant walk – Sunday 2 March, 4 – 5.30pm
Join ANU ant specialist Ajay Narendra for a glimpse into the fascinating world of one of the most dominant animals on the planet! Learn amazing things about the jack-jumpers and other ants that live on Mount Majura.
Where: Meet at Helms Place close to the intersection of Rivett and Richards Street, Hackett.
What to bring: Bring sun protection, covered shoes and a magnifying lens if you have one.
Kids accompanied by adults are especially welcome. It is important to notify us if you are allergic to ants or bee stings.
Click here for more information

Fridays at the Fair
Would you like to help improve Mount Majura’s environment but weekends are difficult for you? Why not join us on a Friday?!  A small band of volunteers meets every Friday in the nature reserve east of The Fair (except on holidays) from 9.30 am to 12.00 noon for a range of interesting activities including weeding, planting, and seed collection.
Where: Meet at the nature park access, cnr of Tay and Ian Nicol Streets North Watson
What to bring: Bring appropriate clothing, drinking water and sun protection.
Click here for more information

Canberra Nature Map: New Monitoring Technology –  Wednesday 26 February, 7.30pm
One of our volunteers, Aaron Clausen, has recently developed a new website called Canberra Nature Map to help with ParkCare monitoring and documentation. He will be giving an introduction into how to use this website at the next FoMM committee meeting. The meeting will start at 6.30, feel free to attend both or come along at 7.30 for the demonstration.
Meet at the ACT Sportshouse, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett. All welcome.

ACT Biodiversity Offsets concerns
The federal government introduced a policy in 2012 that allows development to proceed only if any significant impact on threatened flora and fauna can be offset with equivalent gains elsewhere (for example, conservation/rehabilitation on private land which would not occur otherwise). That is, each development should result in no net loss of biodiversity.
FoMM is very concerned that the ACT government has lately been claiming conservation activities that are already occurring (for example, ParkCare activities) as offsets for urban development which will impact on endangered native grasslands and Yellow Box Red Gum grassy woodlands.
Dr Philip Gibbons a Senior Lecturer in biodiversity conservation at the Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU and Professor Jochen Zeil, the Convenor of FoMM published an Op Ed regarding this in the Canberra Times on January 29th which you can read here. We will also soon be writing letters to the ministers involved to voice our concerns.

Other items of interest:

The Future of Majura Pines – Tuesday 11 February 6-8.30pm
Have your say! The ACT Government is seeking community feedback on the future use of Majura Pines as a recreation venue in Canberra’s north. You are invited to meet the consultation team at this drop-in information session, and there will be a short presentation at 6.45 pm. If you are interested in attending please email
You can also share your thoughts on the future of Majura Pines by completing an online survey available at or by completing a hardcopy survey at any public library.
Click here for more information

Next Park Care and Share workshop – Tuesday 18 February 5.30 – 7.30pm
Southern ACT Catchment Group invites you to come along to the new monthly workshop series in the ACT region. Pick up new skills, knowledge and support in your volunteering activities with workshops topics including native plant and weed ID, erosion control trials, habitat improvement, innovative weed control, monitoring and more!
The next workshop will be on ‘Native vegetation ID in an area of exclusion fencing’
When: Tuesday 18th February 5.30 – 7.30pm
Where: Cooleman Ridge. Meet at Kathner St Entry, Chapman.
What to bring: Native plant identification books or manuals, sturdy shoes and hat. Tea and snacks will be provided.
To register: please contact Martine Franco at Southern ACT Catchment Group.
Phone: (02) 62966400 Mob: 0447223396 Email:

Official Launch of the ACT Region Vegwatch Manual – Thursday 20 February (time to be confirmed)
The Molonglo Catchment Group invites all members of ParkCare and Landcare groups to the official launch of the ACT Region Vegwatch Manual: Vegetation and habitat condition assessment and monitoring for communityby Sarah Sharp and Lori Gould , 2013 (The Vegwatch Manual).
Location: the Dickson Room, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Clunies Ross Street, Acton. Refreshments will be provided
Please RSVP by noon 14th February 2014
Telephone 6299 2119

Forests & Climate Action Forum – Saturday 22 February
Speakers include Professor David Lindenmayer, Professor Brendan Mackey, Associate Professor Andrew Macintosh, Dr. Judith Ajani, Dr. Tim Cadman, Dr. Heather Keith, Dr. Frances Perkins, and Dr. Chris Taylor. They will cover a range of topics relating to: bush fires; carbon pollution; carbon capture and storage; cost effectiveness of logging; logging in Australia compared to logging in Indonesia; the Emissions Trading Fund; forest management; and our precious water, koalas and other wildlife, and habitat. The cost is $30, which includes morning and afternoon teas and a light lunch. Payment is by credit card.
For further information, you can contact the Forum Convenor, Mike Thompson

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