Third Sunday working party 17 July
We will revisit the site of our June working party on the northern slopes of Mount Majura for a ‘Search and Destroy’ mission tackling woody weeds, including non-local plants such the Snowy River Wattle (Acacia boormanii) and the Knife-leaf Wattle (A. culitriformis). These two species have invaded Mount Majura’s high-quality native grassy woodlands from the Federal Highway and threaten the spectacular carpet of endangered Hoary Sunrays in Spring.
The work involves cutting stems and treating them with herbicide applied from a small spray bottle or dauber. We work in pairs – if you don’t wish to apply herbicide you can cut the weeds. We provide impervious nitrile gloves as well as gardening gloves. Also delicious lamingtons for afternoon tea, as National Lamington Day falls later that week.
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