National Tree Day – A Great Success

Volunteers signing in for NTD 2014

Volunteers signing in for National Tree Day 2014 community planting

 National Tree Day 2014 dawned crisp and bright.  We were happy to see a steady stream of more than 150 volunteers arriving to help with the challenging task of planting more than 460 seedlings.

Shane Rattenbury arrived promptly at 1pm and gamely demonstrated the approved planting techniques under the steely gaze of Waltraud Pix, the Friends of Mount Majura National Tree Day co-ordinator.


Waltraud instructs Shane Rattenbury in correct planting technique

The ABC camera crew was present and it was wonderful to see our efforts on the ABC evening news – Canberra marks National Tree Day (click on the video at the bottom of the first picture; the second half of the video covers the planting event on Mount Majura). If you would like to see more photos taken during the planting event visit  this Flickr picture gallery.

Some of the 460 seedlings we planted during NTD

Some of the 460 seedlings we planted during National Tree Day


Volunteers hard at work on the planting site behind The Fair.

Refreshments were welcome!

Refreshments were welcome!







We planted native trees, shrubs and wild flowers, raised from seeds by Greening Australia and volunteers to help re-vegetate our nature parks.

The Conservation Council served hot chocolate during the event and after hours of energetic planting work, all the volunteers were pleased to find the Majura Mountain Scouts were providing a wonderful BBQ with plenty of sausages.

A big Thank-You to all our volunteers and supporters for a job well done!

View the list of species planted on National Tree Day 2014 here.

Friends of Mount Majura gratefully acknowledge the support and help from the ACT Parks and Conservation Service, the Conservation Council ACT Region, Greening Australia, the Majura Mountain Scouts, the North Canberra Community Council, and *Village Building Company.

*Village Building Company gave funds as part of an agreement with community groups to mitigate the impact of “The Fair” residential development on the natural values of Mount Majura nature park.

National Tree Day is held annually by Planet Ark which runs the Australian wide project to encourage mass tree plantings and to communicate the merit of trees.

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