National Tree Day Planting on Mount Majura (28.07.2013)

National Tree Day 2013 has been a terrific success.  More than 200 people came out into the bush to help. Plus we had wonderful coverage of the event on the local ABC news program in the evening – view Plantings galore mark National Tree Day – and the Canberra Times on Monday – see Locals work hard to restore environment.

Shane Rattenbury showing excellent planting skills.

To all volunteers and supporting organisations: a big Thank You

Lots of pictures are being uploaded to the Friends of Mt Majura Flickr site. Some of them can be seen if you click here.

Making a lasting contribution

National Tree Day was a wonderful opportunity for new and old neighbours of Mount Majura to work together, get to know each other and promote the joys of our local bush environment. This year we could admire the progress of the plants that were planted during the 2012 Tree Day as we extended the rehabilitated area.

Decorated tree

Customised ‘adopt a tree’ tags were provided for families who wanted a special link with their personal tree. They will come back in the following days and months and give their special tree some extra TLC!

Where: Mount Majura nature park behind (east of) The Fair in North Watson close to Tay / Ian Nicol Streets intersection. Use the nature park entrance on Antill Street opposite Carotel for a 5-minutes walk to the planting site. Limited parking space is available at The Fair residential site.  Click on this map to view the planting area and access.

The Fair planting site.

List of species (pdf with photos)

How to plant: 10 steps to help your seedling survive

Media Release

National Tree Day is held annually by Planet Ark which runs the Australian wide project to encourage mass tree plantings and to communicate the merit of trees.

The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support and help from the ACT Parks and Conservation Service, the Conservation Council ACT Region, Greening Australia, the Majura Mountain Scouts, the North Canberra Community Council, the Hackett Community Association, and *Village Building Company.
*Village Building Company gave funds as part of an agreement with community groups to mitigate the impact of “The Fair” residential development on the natural values of Mount Majura nature park.

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