Gang-gang cockatoo survey

To commemorate  COG’s (Canberra Ornithologists Group) 50th year COG is surveying the Gang-gang Cockatoo throughout the ACT and the COG area of concern. The survey started on 1 Feb 2014. There are  also four intensive week long components  of this survey scheduled during the year where, in Garden Bird Survey…

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Tornado in the Majura Pines

Main area of damage due to tornado on 23/11/2013

On Thursday 21stNovember 2013 a tornado touched down on Mount Majura.  Those of us living in Hackett are very fortunate that the touchdown occurred on the eastern slopes.  That Thursday night there was a huge and powerful storm with strong winds, hail and lots of rain.  The maximum gust registered…

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Spring Wildflower Walk (03/11/2013)

Enjoy a spring Floriade on the mountain on this delightful walk with local plant ecologist Michael Doherty. The walk will highlight different species found in grassland, woodland and open forest. Please bring sun protection, water, good walking shoes, and a hand lens/magnifying glass if you have one. When: Sunday, 3rd November…

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FoMM newsletter October 2013

Link to pdf of FoMM newsletter October 2013 Petition: Return Majura Paddocks back to Nature Reserve National Tree Day Follow-up Care – Sunday 6 October FoMM Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 9 October Weeds Working Party – Sunday 20 October Leap into Frogwatch at Census Week 20 to 26 October Australian…

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FoMM Newsletter September 2013

link to pdf of this newsletter Upcoming events Welcome in Spring on Sunday 1st September Spring Working Bee on Sunday 15th September The Fair Ladies Prevent illegal use of Opera House traps Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) Annual Bird Blitz FoMM’s first AGM, 9 October at ACT Sportshouse, Hackett

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